After 11 years of winging Lorna and I decided to do our first Belgian Treffen, having
heard stories over the years about the cold weather and after driving up through France last year about the same time, we decide to fly to Brussels and hire a car for the drive to Libramont, where the Treffen was being held.
It turned out to be a great weekend with 773 bikes from 21 countries in attendance and the weather was great. We met up with Tony,Helen and Holly Perkins , Di and Gizzy and Malc and Carol all from the UK at the hotel L’Amandier just a mile from the Treffen site.
On the Friday 7 of us paid a visit to the caves about 30ks from Libramont, and great day out which finished with a safari ride around the local mountains looking at various
animals from wolves to brown bears and wild boar.
Saturday saw Lorna and I,Tony, Helen and Holly taking a trip to Luxembourg for the day. A very busy city, with various markets but, very expensive with beer at 5 euros a pint.
Sunday was breakfast and away for Gizzy and Diane for their ride back to Northamptonshire. The rest of us had a quiet day on the Treffen site, shopping in the trade stand hall and lunch in the town of Libramont.
Sunday night was presentation night. GWOCGB took first place for the highest attendance with Holland second. Spain came in at 13th, from 21.
Monday morning was breakfast, packing, loading up their bikes and on the road for
Tony, Helen and Holly. It never fails to amaze me how much stuff they can pack into their outfit. Malc and Carol left with them to catch the night boat back to Hull. Lorna and I packed the car and drove up to Charoli to an hotel near the airport and then flew home Tuesday morning. A great weekend with some great friends and some fantastic weather.
We have never attended a treffen in a car and have decided we would not do it again. If we can’t go on the bike I would rather stay at home. Next trip we hope will be to Holland, then Portugal and then Lloret de Mar for the Spanish Treffen. August sees us and 5 Spanish bike on a 11 day trip to Kelso in Scotland for the British Treffen. So watch this space.
Ride safe,
Steve and Lorna