Sunday, April 08, 2012

Turning Full Circle on Google+

Well it's a long time since I wrote anything original on MotoBlogCycle but this is very interesting.  Over on Google+ I've been bringing together as many people and organisations interested in Motorcycling as it's possible to assemble in one place and the results are very impressive.  The MotoCircle is now over 1000 strong and growing all the time.

Come and meet some of the best known Riders and Bloggers as well as hundreds of bikers from around the world who seem to have raced, stunted, ridden and explored most of it.  There are also MotoGP photographers with fantastic shots and help on how you can get the best results from your camera.

You can join in and add your experiences and photos. Talk to people with years of motorcycling experience or just read the interesting Streams that people publish.

All  of the Google Plussers link to their Blogs, YouTube pages, webs and much, much more all integrated seamlessly.

Among those over on Google+ are:

+George Krieger - Mazda Raceway Laguna Seca
+Cyril Huze - Cyril Huze Customs
+Bike EXIF - Great Bike Photos
+CX Marc Márquez - Moto2 Rider (Official)
+AutoMotoPhoto® - Great MotoGP Photographer
+Carla King - Missadventuring
+John Ashford - Midlife Motorcycle Madness
+MOTOaceleracion in Spanish
+Scott Jones MotoGP Photographer
+Team Suzuki Racing 
+Total Motorcycle 
+Thumphoto Photography 

... and +Jorge Lorenzo Guerrero MotoGP Champion (in English and Spanish)
+Ben Spies MotoGP Rider

... and many more.

In future I hope that we can persuade some of the MotoCircle Plussers to Hang Out with you.  I'm sure if the demand is there we can get some of them to talk live in Google+ Hangouts. I'm sure if the Muppets and President Obama can use it then a few bikers can hack it!

I hope this helps in your enjoyment of motorcycling in all of its aspects.

Each  MotoCircle contains 500 people, companies and clubs and here are the first two of what I hope will be many:

MotoCircle 500

MotoCircle 1000

If you don't know what Google+ is or you haven't tried it out yet come on over and give it a go and I'm sure you will enjoy the experience.  There are also thousands of people with wide ranges of interest in such areas as photography, technology, science, sport, politics, whatever it is you're interested in all life is here.

Wednesday, April 04, 2012

Marc Marquez App