Tuesday, February 24, 2015

We Are Now 20,000 Members Strong.

We have reached a total of 20,000 members on Google+ and the World Motorcycle Community   #womoco  would like to thank all of you for joining us.  To do this we have some special rewards for you.  Take a look.

+Firecrest Motorcycle Outfitters is offering a great giveaway of a20th Anniversary Carl Fogarty Replica Shark Speed-R Helmet!  Click this Link for details - http://goo.gl/OMiqyp.   #MyOldLid   
+Firecrest Motorcycle Outfitters is also offering a 20% discount to all members for the next 2 weeks and then they will give you a 10% discount on all future purchases.  Use the code #womoco2k  for the 20% and #womoco  for the 10%.
+GetGeared.co.uk is offering a 20% discount to all members from 28th Feb for a week (code #womoco20 ) and then they will give you a10% discount on all future purchases starting 7th Mar 2015 (code#womoco ).
+Video Sunglasses VSUN Canada are offering a Pair of Video Sunglasses VV2.   Click this link - http://goo.gl/1oyD1H.
+Video Sunglasses VSUN Canada are also offering free clear lenseswhen you buy their video usb sunglasses and free shipping on all purchases over $100 until 28th Feb if you follow their G+ page or like their Facebook page.
+Continental Motorcycle Tyres UK are offering 2 quality motorcycle covers and 5 DVD sets from Nick Saunders for members in the UK and Republic of Ireland.   Click this link - http://goo.gl/bZfegY.
+Moto Officina are offering 5 or their stylish shirts with your name embroidered on them.  Click this link for details - http://goo.gl/w7bwla.
+Ride2Roam are offering a €100 discount on their tour prices for one week after we reach 20,000 members and a permanent discount of €50 on future tours. Use the code #womoco .

Now It’s Your Turn
Make a post to our community introducing yourself and your interest in motorcycling with a photo of yourself and your motorcycle - if you have one. If you have any ideas about how we can improve#womoco  please let us know.  Finally good luck and enjoy the celebrations.

Your moderators:  +Karl Hargreaves  +Speed Triple & R1200GS +John Nelson  +Kev Quirk  +Ofir Ramirez-Rios  +MichaƂ Mikulski  and me.

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Help #WoMoCo Celebrate 20,000 Members

Calling all motorcycle related companies, or anyone else for that matter, who would like to help the World Motorcycle Communityhttp://goo.gl/Izb3q - celebrate reaching 20,000 members.

We already have a permanent offer of 10% discount from +Firecrest Motorcycle Outfitters and we are talking to +GetGeared.co.uk about their proposals.

If you can offer something towards the celebrations, be it big or small, then please send a message to worldmotorcyclist@gmail.com, contact me on Hangout or send me a private message on Google+.

Thanks for your help.