Saturday, September 29, 2007
Wednesday, September 26, 2007
Monday, September 24, 2007
Diary of a Goldwinger Part 3 - Andalucia 2007
Since buying our new Goldwing we have been invited to attend several different concentrations by Alberto from Goldwing Cruz del Sur and the last invite was to go to Andalucia to the Goldwing Club Andalucia, this club is a section of the Goldwing Club España.

We set off at 7.45 Saturday morning to meet Juan and his wife at Yecla bus station at 830, we left early so we could get a coffee before setting off to meet other wingers on the journey down to Jaen.
Silly me did I really think that Juan would stop at the bus station bar without his usual coffee and brandy, we left Yecla at 9am for the journey down to Andalucia, whilst the weather was not great it stayed dry and we met up with Alberto and his wife and a new winger on his first wing and his first concentration, having got the introductions to Paco done it was another coffee ( with brandy for Juan ) and off we went. Alberto and Paco had rode through a lot of rain so we felt lucky to have avoided that. as we rode further down the weather became warmer and sunnier and it was proving to be a good ride down, somewhere en route we met up with another winger Misty and his wife who ride a very nice 1500, Misty is a photographer who we met up with on a recent trip to Caravacca, he is a larger than life character, a professional photographer and his camera is never far away.
We arrived in Jaen at 3 o'clock and silly us thought it would be to the hotel to get booked in and parked up.
Having met many knew wingers and some we already know we went to inscription and collected our goodie bags, and very good they were, a nice dress shirt for the lads and a nice blouse for the lasses, a couple of pins and badges, pens, lighters and information books on the area.
At 10oclock it was into the suite for the 4 course meal again with enormous amounts of drink all included in the inscription price, a singer was laid on and a good night was had by all, to see some of the wingers and wives flamenco dancing was fantastic.
At 10oclock it was into the suite for the 4 course meal again with enormous amounts of drink all included in the inscription price, a singer was laid on and a good night was had by all, to see some of the wingers and wives flamenco dancing was fantastic.
Sunday was breakfast and a ride to the towns of Baeza and Ubeda, Baeza is a lovely town with a fantastic square which was quickly filled by the 90 or so wings that had rode together for the 30 or so Ks. Much the same as a gathering of Goldwings in the UK we soon attracted the locals and visitors alike and much the same as the UK the questions are the same, How fast, how heavy and how much to they cost. Many of the wingers went on the organised walk around the town with a guide, Lorna and I went as far as the local church which was spectacular and then off for a coffee in the square.
A very loud airhorn signalled the end of the visit and we rode to the town of Ubeda to a bar for more food and drink again all included in the inscription price. After a very nice buffet ( we would call it) we began our trip back to Alicante, Lorna and I were amazed as we rode through miles and miles of olive tree plantations, we must have rode for at least an hour with olive trees on both side of the road. I am told it is the biggest olive growing area in Spain.
We encountered some very good roads on the journey home and soon covered the Ks to arrive home about 8pm.
Another fantastic weekend, another fantastic performance from the bike, roll on next weekend when we are travelling up north for another night out with the Goldwing Club España. All I know is its about 350ks north of Alicante and is in the mountains, could be a bit chilly was the warning and we are going out on quads, watch this space.
Thursday, September 20, 2007
Sunday, September 16, 2007
Chris 'CP' Pfeiffer 209,4
AC Farias 206,7
Narcis 'NR' Roca 192,2
John 'Johnnie DO' den Ouden 186,1
Bart 'Barth Vader' Van den Eynde 183,6
Sebasien 'seb5' Desbonnet 180,9
Mattie Griffin 178,0
Demarquette 'Francois' Cyssko 174,6
Bruno 'la patate' Ferreira 165,4
Shamil Khabiev 159,7
Chris 'CP' Pfeiffer 209,4
AC Farias 206,7
Narcis 'NR' Roca 192,2
John 'Johnnie DO' den Ouden 186,1
Bart 'Barth Vader' Van den Eynde 183,6
Sebasien 'seb5' Desbonnet 180,9
Mattie Griffin 178,0
Demarquette 'Francois' Cyssko 174,6
Bruno 'la patate' Ferreira 165,4
Shamil Khabiev 159,7
MotoGP Estoril 2007 - Now that was a Race!
Casey Stoners dominance of the MotoGP was challenged by Dani Pedrosa and Valentino Rossi with Rossi coming in first, Pedrosa second and Stoner, despite problems with his clutch, coming in third. Hayden also looked good in the first part of the race and looked as though he would pass Stoner and challenge the leaders at one point. He came in fourth.
This is the type of race that makes the MotoGP a great and exciting competition.
This is the type of race that makes the MotoGP a great and exciting competition.
Saturday, September 15, 2007
Wednesday, September 12, 2007
Diary of a Goldwinger Part 2 - Wales 2007
Plan A. Leave home Monday mid morning take a steady ride up through Spain, France to Calais, take Euro Tunnel to Folkestone, hotel in Folkestone and ride to Camarthan on Wednesday. So I rang Tony Perkins (Treffen site manager) on Monday morning only to be told that half the showground in Camarthan was flooded and it was raining heavily, so our choice was, stay around the pool with approx 100 degrees or ride up to a flooded campsite at approx 12 degrees. Obvious choice, get the suntan lotion out.
So I rang Tony and told him the sunshine had won and we wouldn't be going To The British Treffen. Out of curiosity I rang Tony Tuesday evening to see how many had drowned on site. No problem here he says, sun is out site is drying very quickly and forecast is good. Ah well you cant win em all. Wednesday I am thinking , bugger we should have gone.
Plan B. Lunchtime Wednesday, I wish we had gone now says Lorna, OK ring the cattery and see if they can take the cat, I rang euro tunnel and we set off at 7.15 Wednesday night. Lets see how
far we can get before stopping, was the agreed decision, we got through Spain very quickly and I thought we can make it well into France before we need to stop, we hit rain just after leaving Spain , not heavy but enough to slow us down, it rained more or less all the way through France but we kept going , stopping for fuel and black coffee every 300 or so kilometres, much to my surprise and I guess the adrenalin kicked in we arrived at Calais at 4pm on the Thursday. Straight onto the 4.50 train and 35 minutes later we arrived in Folkestone and yes it was raining, but this was cold English rain.
Ok Lorna says where are we going to stop tonight? Camarthan I replied so lets go. What followed was 6 hours of typical English crap, the M25 was at a standstill for miles and miles due to roadwork's, 4 narrow lanes, so white lining was out of the question, (not that the English drivers would not move over to help us along). We arrived the Treffen site at 11.15 pm, 2548ks in 28hrs non stop. A good ride out by anyone's standards, tiring but enjoyable. We then spent the next 5 days in Camarthan meeting up with old friends and making new ones. We helped out where we could and enjoyed 5 days yes 5 days in Wales without rain (must be a first).
On the Saturday we joined in the Parade of Nations and were delighted and honoured to be asked to fly the Spanish flag, 500 wings rode around the town of Camarthan much to the delight of the towns population as half of them must have been out to see the Goldwings.
Sunday night we watched as the light parade went out to the town, approx 150 bikes and trikes left with their lights on, and what a sight they were, they must spend 1000s of pounds and hours fitting the lights onto their machines and like it or not they are a credit to the owners.
We were amazed that during the 6 years we have been out of the winging scene in England just how many trikes are in the club, out of the 800 Goldwings on site I would say that 300 of them were trikes. Not everybody's cup of tea but a lot of riders trike the bikes to stay on the road and in the Goldwing club. A mate of mine triked his due to a back problem others because of the weight of the bike, one guy who I know from Milton Keynes still rides his Trike at a sprightly 82 year old. Good on ya Sid.
On the Saturday night at the awards they award trophies for many things. I thought we may have a chance of furthest distance travelled but that went to a winger from the Ukraine. I bet he didn't do that in one hit. 17 countries attended the Treffen and Spain came in 9th. We have the trophy proudly sitting in our lounge. Regarding the ride home that was taken at a more leisurely pace, down to Folkestone into France. The first night in a nice hotel about an hour south of Calais, second night due to bad weather we stopped at Brive then over to Andorra in a very nice hotel in the centre of Andorra. The final leg was 8 hours down to home in good sunny warm Spanish weather. All in all we covered 5600ks over 8 days, in all sorts of weather. As normal the bikes performance was exceptional as we have learned to expect over the years of Goldwinging. Next year the Treffen is in Yorkshire, we are booked in but hope to do the journey up at an easier pace (maybe).
So I rang Tony and told him the sunshine had won and we wouldn't be going To The British Treffen. Out of curiosity I rang Tony Tuesday evening to see how many had drowned on site. No problem here he says, sun is out site is drying very quickly and forecast is good. Ah well you cant win em all. Wednesday I am thinking , bugger we should have gone.
Plan B. Lunchtime Wednesday, I wish we had gone now says Lorna, OK ring the cattery and see if they can take the cat, I rang euro tunnel and we set off at 7.15 Wednesday night. Lets see how
Ok Lorna says where are we going to stop tonight? Camarthan I replied so lets go. What followed was 6 hours of typical English crap, the M25 was at a standstill for miles and miles due to roadwork's, 4 narrow lanes, so white lining was out of the question, (not that the English drivers would not move over to help us along). We arrived the Treffen site at 11.15 pm, 2548ks in 28hrs non stop. A good ride out by anyone's standards, tiring but enjoyable. We then spent the next 5 days in Camarthan meeting up with old friends and making new ones. We helped out where we could and enjoyed 5 days yes 5 days in Wales without rain (must be a first).
On the Saturday we joined in the Parade of Nations and were delighted and honoured to be asked to fly the Spanish flag, 500 wings rode around the town of Camarthan much to the delight of the towns population as half of them must have been out to see the Goldwings.
Sunday night we watched as the light parade went out to the town, approx 150 bikes and trikes left with their lights on, and what a sight they were, they must spend 1000s of pounds and hours fitting the lights onto their machines and like it or not they are a credit to the owners.
We were amazed that during the 6 years we have been out of the winging scene in England just how many trikes are in the club, out of the 800 Goldwings on site I would say that 300 of them were trikes. Not everybody's cup of tea but a lot of riders trike the bikes to stay on the road and in the Goldwing club. A mate of mine triked his due to a back problem others because of the weight of the bike, one guy who I know from Milton Keynes still rides his Trike at a sprightly 82 year old. Good on ya Sid.
On the Saturday night at the awards they award trophies for many things. I thought we may have a chance of furthest distance travelled but that went to a winger from the Ukraine. I bet he didn't do that in one hit. 17 countries attended the Treffen and Spain came in 9th. We have the trophy proudly sitting in our lounge. Regarding the ride home that was taken at a more leisurely pace, down to Folkestone into France. The first night in a nice hotel about an hour south of Calais, second night due to bad weather we stopped at Brive then over to Andorra in a very nice hotel in the centre of Andorra. The final leg was 8 hours down to home in good sunny warm Spanish weather. All in all we covered 5600ks over 8 days, in all sorts of weather. As normal the bikes performance was exceptional as we have learned to expect over the years of Goldwinging. Next year the Treffen is in Yorkshire, we are booked in but hope to do the journey up at an easier pace (maybe).
TERUEL - 14, 15 y 16 de septiembre de 2007
Yes, Yes very well, Butifarron de Teruel ;-)
VIERNES 14 Septiembre 2007
17.00 h. Apertura zona de acampada con duchas y baños. Junto a la Piscina de Los
19.00 h. Tapa de Jamón de Teruel, sonrisas de bienvenida y Quemadillo de Ron.
23.00 h. Fiesta motera, actuación en directo de "El Pulpo" El mejor DJ del
SABADO 15 Septiembre 2007
12.00 h.- 20.00 h. Inscripciones. Camiseta Way y bolsa de regalos. Copa de bienvenida
con tapa de Jamón de Teruel
17.00 h. Exhibición acrobática.
19.00 h. Ruta Turística desde el Palacio de Exposiciones hasta el Centro de la Ciudad.
Cervecita y más jamón de Teruel.
22.00 h. Cena en el Palacio de Exposiciones.
24.00 h. Fiesta motera y concierto "Tributo años 80". En directo lo mejor del pop de
los años 80 y 90.
DOMINGO 16 Septiembre 2007
09.00 h. Desayuno en el Palacio de Exposiciones.
11.30 h. Ruta turística hasta el Centro Histórico con remojón y más jamón, ...siempre
de Teruel.
13.30 h. Entrega de trofeos.
14.30 h. Comida o bolsa de viaje.
El precio de la inscripción es de 30€ por persona.
Información y secretaría técnica:
Conexión Imaginativa Tel. 978 61 20 52 - Fax 978 61 71 24
VIERNES 14 Septiembre 2007
17.00 h. Apertura zona de acampada con duchas y baños. Junto a la Piscina de Los
19.00 h. Tapa de Jamón de Teruel, sonrisas de bienvenida y Quemadillo de Ron.
23.00 h. Fiesta motera, actuación en directo de "El Pulpo" El mejor DJ del
SABADO 15 Septiembre 2007
12.00 h.- 20.00 h. Inscripciones. Camiseta Way y bolsa de regalos. Copa de bienvenida
con tapa de Jamón de Teruel
17.00 h. Exhibición acrobática.
19.00 h. Ruta Turística desde el Palacio de Exposiciones hasta el Centro de la Ciudad.
Cervecita y más jamón de Teruel.
22.00 h. Cena en el Palacio de Exposiciones.
24.00 h. Fiesta motera y concierto "Tributo años 80". En directo lo mejor del pop de
los años 80 y 90.
DOMINGO 16 Septiembre 2007
09.00 h. Desayuno en el Palacio de Exposiciones.
11.30 h. Ruta turística hasta el Centro Histórico con remojón y más jamón, ...siempre
de Teruel.
13.30 h. Entrega de trofeos.
14.30 h. Comida o bolsa de viaje.
El precio de la inscripción es de 30€ por persona.
Información y secretaría técnica:
Conexión Imaginativa Tel. 978 61 20 52 - Fax 978 61 71 24
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
Friday, September 07, 2007
MotoGP Dates 2008

The provisional dates for the 2008 MotoGP season have been published on the MotoGP web with a new date in the USA on September 14th at Indianapolis and the Valencia GP taking place earlier in October.
Las fechas provisionales para los 2008 MotoGP se ha publicado en el web de MotoGP con una nueva fecha en el EE.UU. el 14 de septiembre a Indianapolis y el Valencia GP que tienen lugar más temprano en octubre.
Tuesday, September 04, 2007
Register Quick for the Red Bull MotoGP Rookies Cup
Saturday, September 01, 2007
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