Please post photographs and short videos (60 seconds or less) on My Town - My Motorcycle Day - January 6th 2014 showing the best aspects of your town with your motorcycle in the same photo or video. You can post as many photos or videos as you like - in fact the more the better as we are trying to get the hashtag #MyTownMyMotorcycle to trend on Google+ and raise the profile and image of motorcycling here.
The hashtag #MyTownMyMotorcycle should first be used on January 6th 2014 if this campaign is to be successful. Please don’t use it before this date, thank you.
Event Link: http://goo.gl/vdbEig
My Town - My Motorcycle Day - January 6th 2014 is supported by the following communities:
World Motorcycle Community - gplus.to/worldmotorcyclecommunity
Classic and Neo Classic Motorcycles - http://goo.gl/hvgRCl
Motorcycle Roadracing - http://goo.gl/z4G8HC
YouTube Adventurers - http://goo.gl/iIdVgi
Women Motorcycle Enthusiasts - http://goo.gl/LJQYQm
UK Motorcycle Riders - http://goo.gl/Hf5aZ6
Basic Motorcycle Mechanics - http://goo.gl/GHxx1F
Aussie Motorcycle Riders - http://goo.gl/JxVclB
Motorcycle Community Moderators - http://goo.gl/qewK1t
Motorcycle Photography Community - http://goo.gl/9ASWdB
Motorcycle Book Club - http://goo.gl/L85xaP
Motorcycle Places To Stay - http://goo.gl/7HM8L1
Motorcycle Traders Community - http://goo.gl/erf6y2
Motorcycle Riders - http://goo.gl/mTchgg
If you want to add your community or blog to the list send a message to +World Motorcyclist or comment below. If you are a motorcycle related business and want to sponsor the event by donating a prize or service please send a message to +World Motorcyclist.
Photo credit: +Matthias Delay.
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