Calling all motorcyclists on Google+ and beyond. Please Share This Post.#MyMotorcycleStory - are providing gift tokens for the posts that receive the most +1’s and comments combined. The prizes are £150 first place, £100 second place and £50 third place. ship internationally so you can all enter. Entries will be judged at 12 noon Monday 4th August. Good Luck.Post photos and short videos (60 seconds or less) on My Motorcycle Story Weekend - July 25th, 26th and 27th 2014 showing your history of motorcycles and including the stories associated with them. You can post as many photos or videos as you like - in fact the more the merrier as we are trying to get the hashtag #MyMotorcycleStory to trend on Google+ and raise the profile and image of motorcycling here.New to motorcycling? That’s great because we want to hear your story of why you started riding too. We would love to see every motorcyclist on Google+ and elsewhere posting at least one story over that weekend. It is important to include the hashtag#MyMotorcycleStory so that we can find your posts.If you're out on the weekend of July 25th, 26th and 27th and you see a bike like one you used to own why not take a photo of it and ask the owner how they got started? Let’s use our online motorcycle social networking to add to our real life social networking.The hashtag #MyMotorcycleStory should first be used on July 25th 2014 if this campaign is to be successful. Please don't use it before this date, thank you.My Motorcycle Story Weekend - July 25th, 26th and 27th 2014 is supported by the following communities:1 - World Motorcycle Community - Women Motorcycle Enthusiasts - - Motorcycle Roadracing - - Classic and Neo Classic Motorcycles - - YouTube Adventurers - - UK Motorcycle Riders - - Basic Motorcycle Mechanics - - Aussie Motorcycle Riders - - BMW Motorrad European Riders - - Motorcycle Riders - - Motorcycle Community Moderators - - Motorcycle Photography Community - - Motorcycle Book Club - - Motorcycle Places To Stay - - Motorcycle Traders Community - you want to add your community to the list comment below or send a message to +World Motorcyclist.Event supported by The decision of the moderators is final on prizes.
The World Motorcycle Community #WoMoCo has now reached the grand total of 10,000 members and as part of the celebration we'd like to remind you of what’s available to you as a motorcyclist here.First off we have great posts with advice, help, photo’s and every possible type of motorcycling event. This is the bit where you, the #WoMoCo members and the active posters, make the difference. THANKS FOR YOUR GREAT POSTS. Here is the circle of people who’ve been active posters: Also thanks to those who haven't yet felt the urge to post but have commented, shared and plussed the communities posts.Second thanks to the #WoMoCo Moderators for a great job in keeping the spam out and the quality in. So thanks +Karl Hargreaves +Speed Triple & R1200GS +John Nelson +Keith Williams +Kev Quirk and +Ofir Ramirez-Rios.Third take a look at our Hub Page at where you can see all of our resources for motorcyclists. There are plenty of them! In there you will find our Blog, App, YouTube, Twitter and other communities. Oh and dont forget the+World Motorcyclist Page.A special thanks to +Firecrest Motorcycle Outfitters for all the support and great giveaways they’ve provided us with. Don’t forget all#WoMoCo members get 10% discount on Firecrest goodies.Keep those great posts coming everyone and most of all thanks and ENJOY YOUR MOTORCYCLING!Thanks to +Louise Burrows for the very original artwork. Take a look at some of her other work here: #WoMoCo10000
#MyMotorcycleStoryCalling all motorcyclists on Google+ and beyond. Please Share This Post.Please post photographs and short videos (60 seconds or less) on My Motorcycle Story Weekend - July 25th, 26th and 27th 2014 showing your history of motorcycles and including the stories associated with them. You can post as many photos or videos as you like - in fact the more the merrier as we are trying to get the hashtag #MyMotorcycleStory to trend on Google+ and raise the profile and image of motorcycling here.New to motorcycling? That’s great because we want to hear your story of why you started riding too. We would love to see every motorcyclist on Google+ and elsewhere posting at least one story over that weekend. It is important to include the hashtag#MyMotorcycleStory so that we can find your posts.If you’re out and about on the weekend of July 25th, 26th and 27th and you see a bike like one you used to own why not take a photo of it and ask the owner how they got started? Let’s use our online motorcycle social networking to add to our real life social networking.The hashtag #MyMotorcycleStory should first be used on July 25th 2014 if this campaign is to be successful. Please don’t use it before this date, thank you.My Motorcycle Story Weekend - July 25th, 26th and 27th 2014 is supported by the following communities:World Motorcycle Community Motorcycle Enthusiasts - Roadracing - and Neo Classic Motorcycles - Adventurers - Motorcycle Riders - Motorcycle Mechanics - Motorcycle Riders - Motorrad European Riders - Community Moderators - Photography Community - Book Club - Places To Stay - Traders Community - you want to add your community to the list comment below or send a message to +World Motorcyclist. If you are a motorcycle related business and want to sponsor the event by donating a prize or service please send a message to +World Motorcyclist.As a little bit of fun can you match the face to the previously owned bike?