When I got the email from Lol about the concentration last weekend I thought that would be a nice relaxing few hours, not long distance, nice scenery and I hadn't seen the lads from TnT for some time. I set off for the 30mins trip to Castalla. I arrived early as usual for a coffee and tostada. Checking my phone I noticed a missed call from Lol, I rang him and he informed me that he had done his back and couldn't make the run out. He asked if I would mind taking his good lady Liz as she like me was looking forward to the ride out, normally I would have refused as I don't like taking passengers who have not ridden with me before. Lol has done me a lot of favours over the years and to pay him back and not to let Liz down I agreed.

We enjoyed a nice ride out and Liz turned out to be a great passenger and enjoyed the music and comfort of the Wing. We arrived in the village (Fontanar I think) rode around the village, there was a few bikes around the local area and parked outside bars, we then rode around the village looking for the parking area. Diego who was leading stopped, and asked for directions and we followed him back into the centre of the village. I noticed the trees were decked out with flags and a band was gathering on a street corner. Wow, they really put some effort into this for a bike day I thought. Lucy then came over to the bike and informed Liz and I that the concentration was on Saturday not Sunday and the bikes parked around were the campers and were having breakfast before leaving the village. I cannot print my thoughts as I would be locked up.
Well Lol that's what I call great planning and organisation. I noticed on the blog, a write up from Lol about the trip he had to show people houses, well they must be counting their blessings that he managed to get the date right. I even noticed sometime ago a trip to Morocco, thank God I didn't book in for that one, who knows when we would have got back. So a word of warning next time you get an email inviting you on a trip with Lol, double check and check again.
I cannot post any pictures because, as normal I forgot the camera, BUT if I had taken it it would have ended up where the sun don't shine, if you get my drift. Second word of warning if you intend going to Alqueña for the racing it is on SUNDAY, that's the day between Saturday and Monday LOL.
Moan, moan, moan, moan, moan. Can't a man make a mistake - or two?? Anyway, doesn't anyone read their e-mails? It clearly stated Sunday and gave the date - I quote: "II Motorcycle Rally FONTANARS DELS ALFORINS 28 JUNE 2008" and you all failed my deliberate test to see who spoted the OBVIOUS error ;->
ReplyDeleteBy the way, what day is it?
Well Lol what you must realise and accept is, as you approach your twilight years things get a little cloudy. So see you on Sunday on your bike ( thats the red thing with 2 wheels )