Friday, May 30, 2008

Rainy Daze

OK so you expect a bit of rain on the Isle of Mann for the TT but rain in Mugello for the MotoGP?  At least the weather looks reasonably good in Salt Lake City for the World Superbikes.  Is there anywhere in the northern hemisphere where it isn't raining or about to rain?


It also looks like we might get a Ride Out this Sunday although the weather around Alicante has been weird - it's normally summer weather by now.

For the latest information the various events get the MotoBlogCycle Toolbar with links to imagethe best motorcycle webs and blogs and the latest breaking news.

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If you want your link in the toolbar or you would like to request any particular content then let me know here.

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

World Superbike returns to the USA

 Click photo for original

SBK Official Story:  The 2008 HANNspree FIM Superbike World Championship enters into a new era this weekend as the series returns to the United States of America for the first time in four years. The new venue for round 6 of the series, the StriVectin-SD USA Round presented by HANNspree, is the Miller Motorsports Park, situated 35 minutes drive from downtown Salt Lake City in Tooele, Utah.

Despite only coming away from the last round at Monza with a third place and a DNF, Troy Bayliss was able to increase his championship lead by 8 points to 78, a haul of points equivalent to over three race wins. With the other challengers still unable to offer a consistent challenge, the 39-year-old Ducati Xerox rider, who has won five races already this season on his 1200cc Ducati 1098 F08 machine, is heading towards a third title in what will be his final year of Superbike racing.

Read more ...

If you are attending please send me your article and the best will get published.  It doesn't need to be a work of literary genius - just write it your way.  It will be interesting to read how everything works out on the updated track especially as the event is being held in conjunction with the American Superbikes racing.  Send your story to: MotoBlogCycle.  If you're going to the Bike Bash on Thursday let us know about that too.

Tour and Track in the Inland Trader - May 08

imageHere's the latest edition of TnT's MotoMania column in the Inland Trader.

The Inland Trader, and now the Coastal Trader, are full of useful information and articles. Take a look here: Inland Trader

2ª MATINAL MOTERA - Manises - 06-06-08

See Motorcycle Calendar

Tuesday, May 27, 2008



Estimado Compañero;

En primer lugar agradecer una vez más tu participación en esta XIII Ruta Mototurística Por la Vida, en la que todos gritamos en la misma dirección ¡SI A LA VIDA, NO A LAS DROGAS!

Ruego a todos que hagamos de esta Ruta una Ilusión Solidaria, una fiesta, que nada y nadie tenga que comentar algo que no sea bueno, alegría, firmeza y seguridad en nuestra Ruta.

Siguiendo los consejos de la Jefatura Provincial de Tráfico y de la Guardia Civil, todo se producirá con total normalidad y sin ningún incidente.

Miles de personas estarán pendientes de nosotros ese día, prensa, autoridades y fuerzas del orden público entre ellas, animando y mirando tan grandioso espectáculo.



Homenaje al motero en la Plaza de España de Lorca.

Para más información visitar la web;

Y telf. 617 335 800 o 609 819 312


Todos llevaremos esta bandera, pídela al inscribirte o en la salida. No olvides rellenar los datos en la hoja de inscripción, sortearemos 8 juegos de neumáticos durante la comida entre los asistentes.




Dear Friend,

In the first place thank you for your participation once again in this XIII Motorcycle Tour Route For Life, in which we all shout in unison YES TO LIFE, NO TO DRUGS!

We ask everyone to make this Ride one of solidarity and hope, a fiesta that anyone and everyone says how great it was, full of happiness, resolve and safety on our Route.

Following the advice of the Provincial Headquarters of the Tráfico and of the Guardia Civil, we expect everything to run smoothly without incident.

Thousands of people will be watching us on the day, the press, authorities and forces of the public order among them, encouraging and looking at such a grand spectacle.



Homage to motorcyclists in the Plaza de España in Lorca.

For more information visit:

or tel: 617 335 800 or 609 819 312


We will all carry this flag, request it when registering or when setting off. Don't forget to fill out the information on the registration form, we will draw for 8 pairs of tires during the meal.




Yamaha's Race Replica Scooters - MotoGP and WSBK



Yamaha have introduced their race replica scooters and do they look good.

Here we have the Noriyuki Haga AEROX TEAM YAMAHA WSB RACE REPLICA, next we have the Valentino Rossi Aerox Team Yamaha MotoGP Race Replica closely followed by the Jorge Lorenzo JogRR Team Yamaha MotoGP Race Replica.

There is also a MotoGP branded scooter with Yamaha's being the official pit bike supplier.

Take a look at the full range here and if you want to buy one send your enquiry to Tour and Track and we'll see if we can get you a good deal.

Monday, May 26, 2008

Tour and Track in Discover Magazine


Here's the first issue of a new Spanish and English language magazine called Discover Magazine with my article on the RC8.

For more information contact:

Tel:  616 100 814

Saturday, May 24, 2008

Diary of a Goldwinger Part 7 - Yecla 2008

by Steve

15 Goldwings met at the Plaza de Torros in Yecla on the Saturday of the towns fiesta, we rode all of 500 meters to a bar for the usual breakfast, during the hour and a half breakfast another 8 turned up. There were a few who Lorna and I had not met before and we were quickly introduced to them all.

DSCF2686 All of the riders present came from the Alicante region, I learned that there approx 60 members of the Goldwing España Cub in the Alicante region.

Lets hope they all turn up one day as that would be a lovely sight.

We were joined by a member of the Policia Local on a BMW and we set off for a ride around the town with lights and sirens blaring out, and that was on the wings.

After a ride around the very busy streets of Yecla we arrived at our hotel, the ones who were staying got booked in and we then rode to a large roundabout in the town and duly parked on it, as normal we were then swamped by members of the public to admire the bikes.

After a browse around the medieval market we rode down to the bus station where 46 of us sat down and had a fantastic meal, only in Spain could that many people sit outside a bus station and be fed a great meal.

DSCF2685 After a couple of hours we rode up into the town centre and parked the bikes up for then night. We then walked around the streets for a few beers and to watch the floats in the Carnival, and what a sight there must have been 40 of them, all made from hand made paper flowers, it must have took them hours.

We visited many bars over the next few hours and the whole town was in party mood with garages opened up as bars and the wine was flowing.

Around 10 o'clock (I think) we made our way to another restaurant and once again ate for a couple of hours.

Then it was back into the throng of party goers for a few more beers before retiring back to the hotel at around 3am.

Another great weekend with great friendly like minded people, in a very nice hotel and enjoying the Spanish way of life. I even remembered the camera only to find after 2 photos the batteries were flat, we couldn't find a shop open so that's the only record of a great weekend. Our European trips start next month when, on the 12th we are in Lloret de Mar for the Spanish Treffen, then off to Wels in Austria for the Austrian Treffen at the end of June.

Ride safe and be lucky, Steve.

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Honda Cub - The 'Peoples Bike'

Copy from Honda.

Cumulative worldwide production of Honda Cub series motorcycles reached the 60 million-unit milestone at the end of April 2008. Honda Super Cub C100, first introduced in Japan in 1958, has gained worldwide acceptance both as a business-use motorcycle and for daily transportation, and has been being enjoyed by customers in more than 160 countries around the world. This August will mark the 50th anniversary of launching of Honda Cub series.

Comment from Lol: There must be hardly anyone on the planet who hasn't seen a Cub up close. An average of 1,200,000 produced every year for the past 50 years is incredible when compared to other motorcycle sales. I suppose they are the Volkswagen Beetle of motorcycling - the peoples bike.

Racing Cub from the Moped Gallery

image Chicken and Duck Transporter

moz-screenshot-1 Concept Cub

Monday, May 19, 2008

Culos de Hierro

Pequeña Crónica Del MotoTrek 2008

Rafael Amengual - Palma de Mallorca 14/05/2008

Martes Día 6 De Mayo

10,30h rueda de prensa en el dique del oeste, muchos nervios por la falta de costumbre, fotos, televisión, que pasada, como Ana Obregon, Toni Gelabert con una chica y su cámara en la moto se queda con las piernas como un flan por los nervios y pequeña caída sin consecuencias, subimos al barco sobre las 11,30h, travesía sin problemas, llegada al hotel de Barcelona sobre las 9h duchita y cena para mañana estar frescos.

Miércoles Dia 7 De Mayo

Llegada al Motoh! sobre las 10,30h, metemos la BMW de Capellano en el stand de Torino, y después fotos, con los patrocinadores, la revista Motociclismo nos hace una entrevista y nos saca unas fotos en el stand, visita al stand de Kawasaki, fotos, y por fin la salida sobre las 13h. Justo enfrente de la entrada del Motoh!, TV3 nos grava la salida y la revista Motociclismo nos saca unas fotos de nuevo, eso si solo somos 3 de los participantes el cuarto se nos queda dentro de la feria con problemas para poder sacar la moto. Al fin sale y carretera y manta, la ruta sin problemas. Parada para comer a unos 100km de Barcelona, parada en los Mayos de Riglos, para fotos, y carretera sin parar hasta Santander, llegada al hotel con lluvia sobre las 11,30h.

Jueves Dia 8 De Mayo

Salida de hotel sobre las 9h, parada en Llanes para foto en el puerto pesquero, y parada en Barreiros para comer, una horita parados y de nuevo ruta hacia Santiago de Compostela donde paramos para foto delante de la catedral, en la plaza del Obradorio, ruta de nuevo y hacia Portugal, llegamos a Aveiro sobre las 21h parada en las playas de Aveiro para foto delante las típicas casas de colores y hacia el hotel. El hotel Mercure es una casa antigua convertida en hotel, precioso, intentamos mandar las fotos por internet pero no es posible, desistimos y nos vamos de cena, arroz con marisco y pulpo típico de Portugal, de nuevo al hotel y buenos noches, hasta mañana.

Viernes Día 9 De Mayo

Hoy el día mas duro, salida del hotel sobre las 7,30h de la mañana hora de Portugal, ruta hacia Lisboa, y sorpresa, llegando a Lisboa Toni Gelabert sigue todo recto en una salida de autopista y se nos pierde, sin ticket de salida, los lleva siempre uno que es el que luego paga en los peajes, paramos y esperamos, al final contactamos por teléfono y había conseguido convencer los del primer peaje y le dejaron pasar, pago en el próximo y ya sin ningún problema llego hasta Faro, donde teníamos previsto parar para comer y sacar la foto de rigor, allí nos encontramos y después de recibirlo con el cachondeo oportuno, comida y de nuevo en ruta, hasta Sevilla, donde sacamos una foto delante de la torre del oro, de ruta de nuevo y no paramos hasta pasado Málaga para cenar, cena típica de pescadito frito y ensalada fresca de la cercana Almería, charla motera con el camarero, y de nuevo en ruta hasta Almería, llegada al hotel sobre las 24h muy cansados pero contentos , superados los 1250km , se me olvidaba este día nos llovió en intervalos con bastante intensidad.

Sabado Dia 10 De Mayo

Salida de Almería sobre las 9h , parada para foto en el cuartel de la Legión, donde tantos Mallorquines hicieron la mili, cuando pertenecía al ejercito regular de tierra, ruta y parada de nuevo por el camino para contactar en directo con IB3 Radio y hacer unas fotos de los invernaderos de Almería, después de la charla con la radio, de nuevo a la carretera, destino Valencia sobre las 15,30h llegamos a un pueblecito a unos 20km de Cheste, donde unos amigos nos sorprendieron con una paella espectacular, eso si después de hacernos cantar una canción en un karaoke que tenían preparado, y que graban las canciones por si algún día volvemos por allí, ponernos la canción, un puntazo vamos. Sobre las 17h de nuevo sobre las motos y hacia Barcelona, y esta tarde. Noche, si que no se olvida, parecía que nos tiraban cubos de agua. La autopista algunos ratos desaparecía debajo del agua, pero bueno despacito, y muy despacito, llegamos a Barcelona, sobre las 23,30h, gran dormilona y hasta mañana.

Domingo Dia 11 De Mayo

Sobre las 10,30h llegada al Motoh!, una buena bienvenida por parte de los de Torino, y después de tener una charla de nuevo con Motociclismo, repartimos unos catálogos por distintos stands de la feria, y nos dedicamos a visitar la feria hasta hora de salir hacia el puerto, donde cenamos y después embarcamos sobre las 11,30h.

Esperando que el año que viene se celebre el MotoTrek 2008 pero mas llevadero, para que se puedan apuntar todo el mundo, siendo siempre un puente entre la península y Baleares, y una manera de fomentar el Mototurismo en la Isla.

Los Pilotos

image Izquierda a derecha:

  • - Rafael Amengual.
  • - Toni Gelabert (
  • - Serafín Nebot
  • - Miquel Pascual

Mas fotos ...

MotoGP Le Mans 2008 - Videos

Saturday, May 17, 2008

Lorenzo's Le Mans Practice Crash

image watch video

Another painful experience for Lorenzo at Le Mans and he still manages to qualify 5th.

Que huevos!

Le Mans MotoGP - TV Schedule

TVE España

18th May






18 May

  • 125cc & 250cc races
    0945-1215, BBCi and BBC Sport website
  • Race live
    1230-1430, BBC TWO and BBC Sport website

Speed TV USA

  • 6:00PM ET  MotoGP World Championship 

Pedrosa on Pole in Le Mans

Dani Pedrosa snatched pole position from American veteran Colin Edwards in the final stages of qualifying for Sunday's French MotoGP at Le Mans.

The 34-year-old was on course for a second consecutive pole start until his time was beaten by the world championship leader.

Casey Stoner starts from third ahead of Valentino Rossi and Jorge Lorenzo, who was fifth despite two fractured ankles.

James Toseland starts from seventh, edged off row two by Nicky Hayden.

Read more ...

Friday, May 16, 2008

Feria San Isidro - Castalla, Alicante

Tourandtrack_logocolor_c I've just spent most of the day (16-05-08) setting up the Tour and Track stall at the Feria San Isidro in Castalla and was it hot!  We'll be selling T-shirts, bandanas and helmet bags alongside offering motorcycle tours and bike hire as well as signing people up for the newly formed Moto Club La Foia.  Sam from Moto's Daysa has a good pitch next door with plenty of bikes, clothing and helmets on display.

In the same street we have a display of recently tuned cars with sound systems you wouldn't believe and a display of some high riding 4x4's.

The fair also consists of fairground rides, a Medieval Fair and lots of stalls.  Come and say hello over the weekend.

Thanks to Atawalpa for organising the street.


Atawalpa cut

Pedrosa Fastest in Friday Sessions - Le Mans

Dani Pedrosa was fastest in both the morning and afternoon MotoGP sessions in Le Mans.  He recorded a 1´34.227 lap of the recently-modified circuit giving a lead of less than five-hundredths of a second over reigning MotoGP Champion Casey Stoner. Colin Edwards was just eleven-thousandths of a second behind Stoner.

Jorge Lorenzo came in fourth despite another if less spectacular crash.  Chris Vermeulen came in fifth at only four-tenths of a second slower than Pedrosa.  Valentino Rossi managed sixth ahead Shinya Nakano, Randy de Puniet, John Hopkins and Alex de Angelis.

Thursday, May 15, 2008

Open Days For French Race Tracks

Operation Portes Ouvertes des Circuits

The French Motorcycle Federation (FFM) has launched its fifth edition of open race tracks dedicated to motorcycle riders and their vehicles. The programme spans over 27 days involving 16 circuits offering a valuable opportunity both for motorcycle neophytes and experts eager to improve theirs skills and to determine the behaviour of their motorcycles. Thanks to the advice of certified instructors the motorcyclists will ride in a controlled environment maximising their learning experience.

Read more ...

The Uno - Solo Hay Uno

From Cyril Huze Blog ...
image The Uno, an invention of 18 year-old Ben Poss Gulak, was the main attraction of the 2008 Toronto National Motorcycle Show. Ben grew up around his grand-father’s basement machine shop and has spent much of his young life making projects like model trains, rockets and... Read more ...
This looks like a similar invention to the Segway but much more fun.

Hotel El Mirador - Sierra de Gúdar

image Hotel Rural El Mirador

Gudar is a fantastic place for bikers according to Steve who writes the, very, occasional Diary of a Goldwinger.  So if you're looking for a place to go with your club or a group of friends then this looks reasonable.

MotoGP - Le Mans 2008

image The promotional video for Le Mans MotoGP is great and gives a real feel for the wide open competition as it stands watch video.

Schumacher Races Bikes Under False Name

 Click picture for original story in Bild.

imageMichael Schumacher is reported to be racing in the Internationalen Deutschen Motorradmeisterschaft (IDM) der Superbikes under a false name according to the German publication 'BILD'.  The race is due to be held at Motorsport Arena Oschersleben on the weekend of 16th to 18th May 2008.

So are all the predictions coming true that Schumi can't resist the lure of motorcycle racing or is he just enjoying putting himself to the test?

It's also interesting to see that Nina Prinz, an official Yamaha rider and women's world champion is also taking part in the race.

IDM SUPERBIKE: Team YAMAHA Motor Deutschland verpflichtet Nina Prinz

Das Team YAMAHA Motor Deutschland hat die dritte Fahrer-Verpflichtung für die IDM-Saison 2008 bekannt gegeben.
Neben Jörg Teuchert und dem Polen Andrzej Pawelec wird auch "Rennlady" Nina Prinz in der IDM SUPERBIKE starten. Außerdem will Nina ihren Titel im European Womans Cup verteidigen. Teuchert und Pawelec haben inzwischen bereits erste Testfahrten in Cartagena absolviert und schauen optimistisch in die Saison.

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

So Screw It, Let's Ride


Basem's Motorcycles Blog reported on the new Harley advert in the USA.

Listen to it here and let us know what you think of it - great publicity stunt, US arrogance or telling it like it is.

Honda DN-01 Sports Cruiser Launched

image Honda DN-01 Launch Video get the best frock out.

E-Brochure read the brochure on line.

The Honda DN-01 680cc V-Twin is due to be launched in Europe sometime in June 2008 following its launch in Japan in March.

This blurb from the Honda UK site says it all.  "Radical new styling that grabs attention from every angle. Form-fitting comfort that invites one to both sit on and to ride. Smooth response to every rider input, reacting with exhilarating performance at every twist of its throttle, and… no clutch! Not only that, no gear changer! Is this really a motorcycle? Or is it some strange kind of scooter?"

Is it a scooter?  Is it a cruiser?  Well whatever it is it certainly has a style all of its own and an innovative Human Friendly Transmission (HFT) which is claimed to be the ultimate in automatic clutches that does not give mid corner judders as you speed up or slow down.  You can also use the bike in manual with a handlebar gear change control. 

Let's see what the reviewers say:

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Tour and Track in the Inland Trader - May 2008


Here's the latest edition of TnT's MotoMania column in the Inland Trader which is, despite the headline, the May issue.

The Inland Trader, and now the Coastal Trader, are full of useful information and articles.  Take a look here:  Inland Trader

Sunday, May 11, 2008

4,000 and Riding

imageThanks to the 4,000 visitors to MotoBlogCycle.  Er, I think that should be 4,000 and rising.

Reward yourself with the MotoBlogCycle Toolbar and have the latest news and videos at your fingertips.

Official La Foia Motorcyle Week T-Shirts

diseño camisetas 1 no header We have a few T-shirts available for La Foia Motorcycle Week.  You can pick up yours for just 2 € plus postage.

Contact TnT.  Make it quick though as we have a stall at next weekends Feria de San Isidro in Castalla.

Haga Takes 2nd Monza Superbike Race

image Noriyuki Haga took the 2nd race at Monza in a close finish with Max Neukirchner in 2nd and Ryuichi Kiyonari in 3rd who almost took the race.

Bayliss went out with a blown engine, Checa got hit by Corser and later crashed out.

There was a moment during the race when it looked like Haga's bike had blown with piles of smoke coming off the back of the bike but it turned out that the rear hugger had bent on to the tyre.

A great race full of exciting moments.

Max Neukirchner Gets Deserved Superbike Win

Nº. 76 Max Neukirchner took a well deserved win In Monza, Italy this morning beating Noriyuki Haga in to second place and Troy Bayliss third.

Watching the first race in Monza there was something that made me nervous with a lot of the riders making bad judgements at the end of the straights and especially into the chicane.  Yukio Kagayama, Neukirchner's team mate in the Alstare Suzuki Team, must have overshot the chicanes 2 or 3 times and Neukirchner did the same on the first lap.  Is it just me or do those crash barriers along the back straight look overly close and menacing?  8 riders failed to finish.

Carlos Checa started in 4th but as he was pulling away he caught the back of Fonsi Nieto's bike with his handlebars and was sent out of control across the full width of the straight narrowly avoiding other riders.  This put him back to 14th but he finished 8th just behind Nieto.

Let's see what this afternoon holds in store and whether my internet connection is good enough to see the second race.  Interesting to hear Randy Mamola doing the commentary on SBK TV.